10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...

I received an interesting letter from Mom (Marilyn) a few days ago.  She has been trekking the hallways on her virtual walk to the next town.  Incidentally, as of this morning, she is 2 km away from her original goal for the fitness challenge, so she and her grandson are mapping out the distance to the next town.  Wow!

Anyway, back to the letter.  It speaks for itself:

Thank you very much for naming me Honorary Fitness Mentor for your challenge. I feel very honored indeed. Yesterday [January 26] was an exciting day for another reason as well: I woke up feeling different somehow, and then realised that I had no stiffness in my legs. They felt normal again for the first time in years! If this is due to my increased walking, then I plan to enlarge the scope of my walk. Instead of setting a specific goal, I’ll just keep on to the next town, and the next, and see how far I can go! This fitness challenge is amazing – I would gladly do a month of exercise in exchange for another a day of relief from the stiffness and fatigue! Best wishes to all participants – I hope you will have good results, too!  Mom

I hope that encourages you as much as it encourages me.  Keep up your efforts, everyone!  Go for it!!!
One thought on “A Letter from Marilyn”
  1. Great news Grandma! We are excited to start. We have built a poster to keep track of our progress. – Casey and McKenna

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