10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...

The first year we did the “10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson’s” challenge, a rather unexpected thing happened. My mother, Marilyn, decided that she wanted to participate. That’s not the unexpected thing. Actually, it is sort of how she rolls – she’s usually up for a good challenge.

Mom had been living with Parkinson’s disease for a number of years by that point, and her physical world was beginning to shrink. To her apartment building, to her apartment, to her chair. It was catching up with her and she was really beginning to seize up. That’s also not the unexpected thing.

Mom reasoned that there were not a lot of things she was physically able to do, but she could still get around a bit with her walker. She decided walking was something she could try. So she did it – she walked a bit each day and kept track of it. Nope – not the unexpected thing.

This is the unexpected thing. She started being able to walk farther, and for longer periods of time. Her muscle stiffness began to decrease. Even some aspects of her tremors improved. She joined a fitness class. Her walking in the hallway evolved into a “virtual walk” down the trans-Canada highway, where she covered over 90 miles (okay – just that year.  She is still going!)

To say we were all impressed is a serious understatement. Not so much surprised, as impressed. And very pleased to see before our eyes how regular activity could sort of march back the clock a bit for a senior with a degenerative disease.

Our vision is that everyone would realize that many small small steps add up. Small steps taken in a direction accumulate and carry you further and further along. If you head toward a goal – those steps move you forward.

Here is the take-away: small, regular steps toward a goal will carry you toward better wellness. Conversely, of course, no goals, and no regular “investments” will keep you pretty much stuck where you are.

So pick a goal, and get out there moving toward it!