10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...
Apologies ad infinitum to my mother, who, incidentally, knows more Latin than anyone I personally know. In fact, this is my second apology for the linguistically horrid title; I already dished that line out on her earlier today. After the laugh, I asked her, “Hey – how do you make that English “ing” in Latin anyway?”
And she told us.
Apparently, this refers to the “present continuous” tense, and she went on to explain how you make it out of infinitives and something else, and I got a bit lost as I was on my phone and not taking notes…
But who really cares, right? What is the significance of that small piece of information? Well, you’re reading the blog, so I’ll assume you’re curious enough to learn the significance of it.
Mom is a few degrees north of 79 now, and she has been tracking with Parkinson’s for over a decade. In spite of the ever-increasing ways Parkinson’s steals bits of neural functioning, she has kept her good attitude and her sharp wit. And she had at least a bit of fun schooling me.
I referenced that carpe diem phrase in a blog post a few years ago (February 17, 2019 – I checked), but I decided I could recycle it here because when you are presented with a good opportunity, you’re usually not doing yourself any favours by just letting it go by. Take it. With all the bluster of Sir Peter Ustinov’s King John, SE-E-E-E-IZE it (as if it were Robin Hood). Grab hold of it.
That’s the point today, on Day 2 of the 2021 Challenge: Seize the Day! You have the rest of the month to work on your wellness and, hopefully, you’ll also want to support Parkinson’s research at the end of the challenge.
Oh, and an update on the Kettlebells. I’m at 920, Dave. Just sayin’. And 1 1/2 movies in.
Bonus question: Guess what movie I watched first this year?