10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...
Some days, I wonder if I have anything meaningful or encouraging to say. I’m completing with a bazillion devices and inputs that bombard us all the time. So I’ll make it short and sweet:
Spend February investing in your own wellness. Wellness involves many aspects of life. I want to promote wellness, and the idea of adopting an attitude of constant wellness-boosting. After our wacky idea three years ago (doing 10,000 Kettlebell swings in the month of February), the project lives on, and the month of February has become iconic to me now as “wellness month”. Amid all the noise, distraction, and unending flow of information, carve out some time during February to invest in yourself. Every year!
Make it a priority to be more well at the end of every February than you were at the start. And, while we are all at that, we want to use this wellness-boosting challenge to tell as many folks as we can about Parkinson’s disease and encourage them to support Parkinson’s research.
Find some kind of meaningful activity that will improve your wellness, and make a point of doing it throughout February. I hope you will consider doing this for two reasons: 1. to improve your wellness, and 2. to support Parkinson’s disease research (more info here).