10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...
Believe it or not, we are already one third of the way through February, and one third of the way through this fitness challenge. At my workplace, there has been a steady buzz about the wellness activities different people are doing. Surprisingly, it is not me who is bringing it up. My colleagues are really into it.
There are already people who have changed, who have gone from thinking about wellness to doing wellness. They have ratcheted up their wellness lifestyle and, it seems, those changes are becoming their new normal.
I have had contact recently with some new folks in new circles. And when I mentioned the idea of challenging people with wellness activities and promoting awareness about Parkinson’s Disease, there was already an immediate connection because they too have close family members or friends with Parkinson’s. They were happy to spread the word about this challenge with a view to supporting research that, ultimately, will provide more effective treatments. Hopefully, soon, a cure.
In the meantime, however, we do what we already can to help. In my situation, I like fitness stuff, I have friends and relatives who challenge me to keep fit (I return the favor), I enjoy writing, and I really enjoy challenging and encouraging people to move from where they are now toward a place of greater wellness.
So I’m all ready to do these things to point people in the direction of greater wellness AND to remind all of us that Parkinson’s Disease steals quality of life from people – people who many of us know personally. And here’s what you can do:
1. Learn some new things about Parkinson’s Disease (Parkinson’s Canada)
2. Find a group of colleagues, friends, or family to “do wellness” together with
3. Support Parkinson’s research that is finding newer and better treatments, and improving quality of life for people living with it
4. Be all ready to do what you can