10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...

Credit where credit is due.  I had a call from Mom (Marilyn) a few days ago.  Aside from some great news from her part of the country – stay tuned – she passed along a really inspiring story.  She sent this in as a comment, but I thought it deserved more prominence, so here it is again.

With all due respect, I would like to stand down from my position as Honorary Fitness Mentor. No, I’m not giving up! No way! But I have a dear friend who has decided to join the challenge. Her aim is to try to walk from her room to the front desk of her Seniors’ Home once every day. She uses knee braces and a walker – oh, and did I mention that she is 99 years old? I think she, Mary Osborne, deserves to be honored just for even thinking about it!  – Marilyn 

Mary had read the article in last week’s Moosomin World Spectator.  Thank you, World Spectator!

So, we are pleased to celebrate the efforts being made by Mary Osborne, of Brandon Manitoba – our new Honorary Fitness Mentor!

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