10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...
… continued from Wednesday
Whenever I worked on a poem or tried to remember the words of a song as I walked, my attention moved away from how tired I was, and focused completely on the intellectual exercise. Success number three! I began feeling energized when I got home and ready to do other activities in a more wholehearted way. Over time I realized that I was not as fatigued in the afternoon and sometimes didn’t need to take my usual nap after lunch. And speaking of lunch, I was always famished when I came home from my fitness class and started eating much more hearty meals. The result of that was that after months and months of trying unsuccessfully, I actually started to gain weight (in the last 2 ½ months I have gained 5 pounds and am now a 95 lb. heavyweight)!
There have been other benefits to my fitness program as well. My endurance has improved. I usually manage 20 laps during my 30 minute walk now. And as soon as the snow and ice are gone, I shall walk outside in the fresh air and add more laps to my virtual Highway walk . My overall fitness has improved considerably. Both my local doctor and my specialist are pleased with my progress and my ability to manage the Parkinson’s symptoms. The Parkinson’s support group that I belong to has grown from 4 to 18 members in the last five years. It is good to be able to share ideas and experiences with others who have the same condition. The benefits of encouragement are endless. I find I am not intimidated by my condition anymore, and regard my tremor merely as an inconvenience to be put up with. I don’t know how much more time I will be given, but I certainly plan to use it wisely, and make good decisions with regards to exercise, diet and sleep. This wellness thing is a lifelong lesson not to be taken lightly.