10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...

Guest Blog

1. Doing something completely different is healthy; it is too easy to get into a rut and to shock ourselves out of it is a good thing. A friend of mine introduced me to this idea a few years ago, and being keen to try new things, I was interested. Last year when we got to about this point I remember feeling a transition from the enormity of the challenge and excitement/anticipation to simply and acceptance that I had the grit to get this far, and that I would be able to get through it. I could almost feel my brain being rewired. Having participated in many other quite challenging events before, I believe that getting uncomfortable and challenging oneself helps to overcome life’s challenges. By having the memories and experiences of some hardship and grinding through, it can give confidence in the face of a new challenge – be it physical, a new project at work, a complication in life or something emotional or frustrating. Overcoming challenges builds life confidence.

2. Some comments on swinging a kettlebell. For those that are doing other challenges – that’s great, and keep it up. For those doing, or thinking about doing kettlebell training – here are some humble comments that I have experienced in the last 18000 or so swings! Always start with a lighter weight than you think you should. Always use good form and if you don’t know that form then ask an expert, research it (lots of good videos on YouTube) – bottom line, don’t let your back bow/curve like a hunchback… ever… hinge at the hips, dip a bit (about a 1/4 squat) and then drive your hips forward. Once you get into the groove they are pretty straight forward. What does this simple/weird motion do? It strengthens your posterior chain. that is the complete functional muscle groups that enable you to get out of a chair, steady yourself if you slip, lift something onto a high shelf. It also rehabilitates muscle strains in the back. If you are a planker or squatter or walker I would recommend that you give it a go one of these days. Don’t worry about looking silly, just try! You don’t need anything fancy. A can of soup, a container of windshield wiper fluid, a dumbbell, or even your cat can be used!

3. The linkage of this event to Parkinson’s Awareness is really positive. It is great to exercise, but having an external motivator really helps. Given the research into linkages between exercise and improvements in the quality of life for people stricken with Parkinson’s, it just makes sense. I really have to comment those participants who are struggling through this additional burden and really making such significant life improvements – well done!

Thanks for letting me guest blog! We are on the back end of the challenge and I would encourage all to grind hard and even find themselves some extra challenge in these last weeks just to really enhance the experience.

Guest blog by Major David Hill
One thought on “Day 22: Some thoughts on the 10000 kettlebell challenge”
  1. Dave – re: point #2. I'm just getting a visual on Kettlebell swings with a cat. Talk about Doppler Meow…

    Had a good workout last night – crested 8250 by a few. My plan is to hit 10,000 on the Saturday workout.

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