10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...

Every wonder what people are thinking while they are working out?  It might surprise you. . .

Get your butt lower!” “How much longer?? I’m dying!” – Planker

I personally break it down to achievable small goals (sets) that I change as I get tired, I could start at 50 reps then 40 then 30 etc.  I also count down backward that way the number is continually decreasing makes it look smaller, 100, 90, 80 etc.” – Kettlebeller

It’s all in the hips.” – Kettlebeller

I’m at 4000 right now and I motivate myself by counting how I am running out of month/time to finish 10,000” – Kettlebeller

Load – and – POP! – and – load – and – POP! – and . . .” [do this 80 times, switch to KB exercise #2 for 20 more, then repeat 12 times] – Kettlebeller
Some days I think ‘What was I thinking – 20,000 steps in a week?’  Then I just keep counting those lengths at the high school.” – Walker

I can do anything for 10 more seconds…” [Darth Vader theme playing ominously in the background] – Outdoor Enthusiast

I’m not responsible for any of the obscene words that come out of my mouth while doing burpees.” – Cross-fitter

And here’s the mantra used by Marilyn “. . .to improve my posture as I walk. . .”  She’s had Parkinson’s for the past 10 years.
Left right, left right
Don’t shuffle, left right
Lift your feet, left right
Don’t lean (on your walker)
Walk tall, left right
Shoulders back, left right
Chest out, left right
Head up, left right
Chin in, left right
SMILE!                   By which time I’m shuffling again, so I have to start it over again!”
So there – now you know.
One thought on “Day 23: What Were you Thinking?”
  1. I know I've said many of these things to myself over the course of this month: "get your butt down!", "less than 10 seconds", "you're done when the time is up"… you probably know my list by now ahah.

    I'm quite proud of myself. As of last night (Monday, Feb, 22), I completed my goal of 150 minutes of plank for this month!! Our (dad and I) cross-swim coach advised me I should do my PB's after my rest day – seems like a smart thing to do as it gives your muscles a little R&R (rest and recover) to grow stronger. So yesterday, I finished my plank challenge! I held it for 4:15 which amazed me so much. I was anticipating that one especially because it was the last official plank I had to do, which made it the last thing I wanted to do. I expected to start shaking around 3 or so minutes in, but I managed to keep my core stable and actually felt pretty good the entire way through. Now, I'm not sure of what I will do next. Perhaps I'll work on my pull-ups, keep going with my plank, or work on my burpees and see how fast I can do them… I'm really not sure. For those of you who are still working to complete your challenge, I wish you the best of luck! I know you will be able to reach your goals! You CAN do it! 😀

    "The greater the loyalty of a group toward the group, the greater is the motivation among the members to achieve the goals of the group, and the greater the probability that the group will achieve its goals." – Rensis Likert (quotepixel.com)

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