10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...
It’s been a busy week and the kettlebells have been swinging. After the distant simultaneity the other day, Dave and I have managed to complete our 10,000 Kettlebells. I finished at about half-way through my usual workout yesterday, so I think I’ll finish the rest off this afternoon and then do my last scheduled blast on Tuesday. That one is just icing on the cake.
This year, we haven’t joined up with any official Burpee challenges (yet), but I really liked and disliked it as a workout. Two months of high-intensity workouts (during the dead of winter) kill the time and, when March is over, you’re in great shape for the summer season.
I can hardly believe there are only three days left in this challenge. Getting started can be such a challenge in and of itself, but by week four, anyone who has been plugging along with their activities/workouts/etc., has probably noticed some real progress (adaptation). You are either faster, or stronger (or both), or you can do more in the same time, or do your activity for longer. It is the progress that really makes the difference. You are probably better at your activity. In all likelihood, you are moving closer to your potential physical health, and this improves your overall wellness (assuming you’re not sliding in some other area).
According to the general concept of wellness, there are seven basic dimensions of wellness: physical, social, intellectual, occupational, emotional, environmental, and spiritual health. Getting closer to your potential in any of these seven components will improve your overall health (wellness).
As you get ready to wind down this February’s “10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson’s” challenge, think about how you have been able to move closer to your maximum potential physical health. Becoming more active is a great start. It has probably laid the foundation for further improvements, such as sleep, nutrition. I also hope this challenge has increased your motivation to continue improving.