10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...

You have worked hard and the finish line is not just in sight, it’s looming!  While you enjoy your short final down to the line, take a moment to enjoy the moment.  Reflect on what you have accomplished which, in most cases, is more than you thought you could.  Reflect on how you are feeling, things like your energy level, maybe your flexibility or agility, your stamina.  And reflect on how you caused those to change.  Basically, unless someone physically carried you around and moved your limbs, it was you who made the effort and therefore you who are responsible.

Aside from raising awareness about Parkinson’s Disease and the need to support research to find treatments and cures, I really hope that this fitness challenge highlighted your ability to set a goal and go after it.  Goals should be sufficiently challenging if you want to see meaningful accomplishments. They should stretch you to do things you cannot presently do.  Striving for goals forces you to plan and decide (mental effort), and then execute (physical effort).  You have to dig deep, but don’t be afraid of effort.  Effort is the currency you invest in yourself;  results are the dividends paid out in increased strength and stamina, better agility, and an improved sense of well-being.

Aim high and finish strong.  Only one day to go!

2 thought on “DAY 28: T-Minus 2 Days and Counting. . .”
  1. Guess what – I just finished a double lap without intending to! I just came back to my door and went right on by without stopping to think about whether I could manage another lap!! I was almost finished when I realised I had done two laps instead of one!!

  2. Way to go grandma!! I'm so very proud of how far you've come since the beginning of this challenge! You're efforts amaze me, and you are an inspiration to me πŸ™‚ keep up the good work, we're all proud! πŸ™‚

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