10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...
Pheww! It’s the end of February. We have successfully completed another of the darkest months of the year. As my inspired brother said a few summers ago, “Not much happens in February, so why not do 10,000 kettlebells?”. Why not, indeed?
At any rate, the month is over and our fitness challenge with it. I hope that you were able to stretch yourself, to try something a bit bigger and bolder than you usually do. And I also hope that you demonstrated to yourself that you could sustain that greater effort for a longer time. In other words, I hope you experienced growth.
Now that we’ve finished things up, we’ve all seen what we are capable of. I hope you have realized that you can invest energy and effort into yourself, and that this actually increases your potential. You can now do more than you could before. You are probably physically stronger but, even more importantly, if you sustained that investment of time and energy, you will be mentally stronger. And that should be worth something to you.
My vision is that those of us who are able will have the attitude of doing what we can, and where possible, leveraging that potential to combat Parkinson’s Disease and demonstrate the need for research that will ultimately find a cure.
So the final challenge is to take the efforts we have made through the month of February and convert that potential into financial support for Parkinson’s research.
You can visit the “How To Donate” link at the top for details. As the page says, “We have chosen to support the DR. ALI RAJPUT ENDOWMENT FOR PARKINSON’S DISEASE AND MOVEMENT DISORDERS RESEARCH. This endowment fund is one of a number of endowments managed by the Royal University Hospital Foundation in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.”
We hope you are able to support the endowment fund generously! Thanks for your efforts and for supporting this great cause.
Until next February…
10001 swings in the books.
Lots of PBs.
Thanks for the motivational comments.
This year was a tough one to get through – just lots of stuff on the go and fitting them in was tough.
Fun to see the kids eager to participate as well.