10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...
We are coming up on the final milestone in our February wellness challenge. If you have ever been part of an endurance race – a triathlon comes to mind – you will know the surge of adrenaline you get when the finish line finally comes into view. You realize that you are almost done. You begin to hear the crowd cheering. Excitement builds. You pick up the pace for one final finishing kick.
February 28 marks the completion of the challenge. We have passed all of the mile markers, including the final one, and we are DONE! I hope you reached (or came close to) your wellness goals, but even more, I hope that investing in your own wellness has become more of a lifestyle habit for you. I would be lying if I said I “enjoy” swinging kettlebells, but I certainly enjoy how I feel after I’ve finished the workout.
This challenge, though, is not just about physical activities; it is about wellness activities. Now that February is finished, I hope that you will continue, or maybe even expand whatever you are doing to be more well. It is an investment with great returns!
My final thoughts as we wind down this year’s challenge:
1. Congratulations on your wellness accomplishments!
2. Thank you for participating.
3. Please consider supporting Parkinson’s research. We would love it if you would consider making a donation to the DR. ALI RAJPUT ENDOWMENT FOR PARKINSON’S DISEASE AND MOVEMENT DISORDERS RESEARCH.. Click here for details.
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