10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...
I hope you found the information on sleep informative. I am definitely feeling ready for a good sleep tonight, starting in about 15 minutes (I hope).
We have three days left in the challenge, and I am happy to say that I have been realistic this year. I have 1100 kettlebell swings left and then I’m done! I had intended to do a few more today than I did, but I played hockey Saturday, and we had 3″ of snow overnight, and I had to clear some snow off the eaves, and then off the deck, and then off the driveway… so I got a pretty thorough workout before I even came in the house to do the kettlebells. I can safely say I was warmed up!
When I got to the actual kettlebells, I was able to do a good number, but I realized I don’t need to overdo it. So that’s exactly what I did – a good number. I have swimming tomorrow, but I think I’ll try to tuck a few sets of 100 in before I go. That way, I’ll only have just under 1000 to go on Tuesday. I should be able to finish up then.
What I’ve learned is to listen better to my body. For example, tuning in to energy level and to a bit extra tiredness in one knee. I had set an ambitious goal, but built room into it for backing off as needed.
I’ve also learned not to torture myself with stupid logic. For example, I caught myself the other day thinking that I had “only” done eight 100-kettlebell swing sets (800 swings). I almost added the thought that I “should” have done x more. Then I realized the number I did was a decent number, and it’s not the only active stuff I’m doing. There was a time, though, when I would have beat myself up about under-achieving. I believe I have settled in to a more realistic logic, which is bigger-picture logic. I’m being active. I’m using good form (preventing injury). I’m listening to my body, about potential injury warning signs, and about nutrition and sleep. And I’m actually quite happy about the progress I’ve made. I might even say I’m proud of myself.
So, all in all, I think my perspective on even the fitness challenge has changed from the first time around. I’m active, but I’m not driving myself too hard. I don’t need to, and I can still be pleased with my efforts. In fact, I think more of us need to be pleased with our efforts. The fact that we are making an effort is the most important part. And, since most of us are not professional athletes, this activity business is on the side. So let’s celebrate our activities, and celebrate the fact that we only have three more days in the month, then we can hang up the kettlebells for a while and “recover”!