10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...

I’m glad I started getting ready for the challenge before we got to February. I was able to do my DAY ONE workout as planned (well, almost as planned). The only ill effects I’m experiencing are that my legs feel tired. Last week, I was stiff. But that’s to be expected as I don’t usually swing kettlebells during the year, so I’m not accustomed to it.

The toughest part about yesterday’s workout was getting my movie going. Who knew that older Wii
consoles stopped their Netflix support… on JANUARY 31ST – the very day our challenge started. So it took me half an hour to find a device that would hook up to the TV.

I suppose the optics of this are not perfect; it seems like I was more interested in my movie than the workout. Okay, true. I was looking for the distraction, because kettlebells can become a bit monotonous.

In the final analysis, though, does it really matter? Nope. I did my workout as scheduled and, to be honest, I enjoyed the movie. Nothing like a good shoot’em up when you’re trying to distract yourself from tired limbs.

So, if you need some distraction for your workout here or there, go for it. Good that you’re doing the workout! Keep up the good work.

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