10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...
We’re right around the corner from the 2024 version of our annual wellness challenge. That’s a perfect amount of time to dust off any equipment you plan to use – in my case, to find my workout gloves! If you’re planning any kind of physical workouts, be sure to use this time to do some gentle stretching and nice easy warmups to begin toughening yourself up. Be careful and listen to your body. Don’t overdo your prep or your workouts, but aim for improving your overall flexibility, range of motion and agility. An abrupt start of any physical workouts in cold weather can be harmful, so plan to use the next few weeks to prepare your body for whatever workout you might have planned.
And if you’re doing a different type of wellness activity – more socializing, reading some books, learning/playing a musical instrument – you can still use this time to get yourself ready. Set some goals, talk it up with friends, see yourself having accomplished your goal(s).
And don’t forget to register for this year’s challenge – you could win a $25 Amazon eGift card!