10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...
Intrepid derives from the Latin word intrepidus, itself formed by the combination of the prefix in– (meaning “not”) and trepidus, meaning “alarmed.” [Excerpt from http://www.merriam-webster.com]
This week, I want to offer a new word to you, or, at least, to breathe some new life into an old word: Intrepid. The dictionary defines it for us, but we can really boil its meaning to not being too afraid to do things. If you are intrepid, you are not afraid to set out on a challenge. You might have fears, but they don’t stop you from going out and trying things. Do you get that? It’s not the absence of fear; it’s the setting out in spite of your fears. Or misgivings. Or doubts. That’s why you often see the word intrepid used to describe explorers and adventurers.
So why this word now? Fair question. Here’s what happened. . .
I was putting together some goal-setting ideas for the blog when I was interrupted by the following email, from my Mom, Marilyn, who is just south of 80 and lives with Parkinson’s Disease:
It took me 10 months and 10 days.
That is a 150-kilometer trek, by the way. Mom hasn’t just kept up with her walking from the February fitness challenge, she has increased her pace and daily range. And, twice per week, she heads down to the gym for fitness classes.
I still stand by the goal-setting process, but it can wait a week. Intrepid adventurers and their accomplishments must be celebrated. So – Marilyn – CONGRATULATIONS on reaching Brandon in your virtual walk!!
What a great example of setting goals and knocking them off. One more goal achieved. I believe she was last seen heading east. . .
A final irony: when Marilyn reads this blog’s title, she will immediately understand it – she knows Latin!