10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...
Alright – we’re off again! It’s been just two years since we started the 10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson’s challenge. If you’ve been with us since then, I trust you are now starting to benefit from the “lessons learned” aspect of repeating a challenging experience.
My own understanding of the idea of “wellness” has been turbo-charged, and it has widened my field of view considerably. Wellness goes well beyond just “physical fitness”, although that certainly is a component. So whatever you’ve chosen to do for your own personal fitness challenge this February, I salute you and encourage you to spread the word.
Let’s get started!
Am a bit behind and super busy, but I know that Iwill feel great if I make the time to squeeze in my workout, and lousy/guilty if I don't. I also find that I sleep much better on days that I get a good sweat in… good luck to all!
601 done.
very satisfying because of the multitude of excuses that I had to not do them today.
Tks Richard and good luck to all participants!
Good work, Dave. We fire up the gym today after work. Guess now we'll have to post the results!