10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...

Earlier this week, we passed Valentine’s Day, the mid-point of February. I have been able to keep on track with my workouts this year in spite of the weather. Weather doesn’t normally impact indoor activities, but this winter has been so snowy, that shovelling snow has nearly eclipsed my kettlebell workouts – it feels like more time huffing and puffing outside with shovels than swinging kettlebells inside.

During the first years of this challenge, I did not feel much like swinging kettlebells, and had to motivate myself to do it. Over time, though, the motivational effort decreased. Less talking myself into doing it and more just doing it.

Presumably, that is an effect of doing something regularly. It becomes normal – quite literally, routine. I hate to say it, but this year, even snow removal has become routine!

As we get closer to the finish line, I challenge all of us to continue our wellness efforts. The art is learning to how to make wellness a normal aspect of your life. It doesn’t matter what kind of wellness activity you engage in. Set goals, work toward them, and keep at it.

Pursue wellness. What can be better than that?

By Richard