10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...

We would like to recognize the commitment of two young participants, McKenna (8) and Casey (6). These young ladies were eager to participate and started (in January) by making a large Bristol Board chart to keep track of their progress.  They have worked hard, doing a whole variety of exercises.  I don’t know if you read their comment the other day, but here’s what they said:

We are working hard doing kettlebells with Dad, running at gym, and going up the 19 flights of stairs every day with mom in our Toronto apartment building! Almost done now!!!! We want to raise lots of money for Grandma!

They are setting a great example to all of us, and I’m sure they are having some influence among their friends and classmates as they talk about what they are doing.

Congratulations, McKenna and Casey!  You can be very proud of yourselves!
3 thought on “New Honorary Fitness Mentors”
  1. Wow!! Way to go Mac and Casey! πŸ™‚ I hear you 2 are doing a terrific job! Keep up the good work girls! Proud of you both πŸ˜€

  2. Well done, McKenna and Casey. You are setting a very good example for everyone. Thank you for taking part in this challenge. It's exciting, isn't it?

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