10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...

It’s two thirds of the way through February, and I’m taking the wellness challenge seriously today. Early this morning, I did some work on a data project (I’m a data analyst), then we did virtual church and had breakfast, and then I got invited to go ice fishing. That’s a pretty common occurrence, so I didn’t have to deliberate long… shovel snow (again), or go fishing? I reasoned that the snow can wait, since it always has, and headed out to the ice shack. The advantage of showing up there a bit late is that the fire is always on and it’s nice and toasty in the shack!

I set up my gear outside and sat out for an hour feeling a bit like a cat in the sun, except it was -19 and supposedly felt like -30.

Enjoying a nice cup of coffee out on the lake…

It was almost like sitting at the beach. I could hear the wind in the trees, and even though it’s February, I could feel a bit of warmth from the sun. But make no mistake – it wasn’t exactly warm out. Good thing I had my trusty thermos of coffee with me!

Nevertheless, it’s February and what better way to celebrate wellness than an afternoon out fishing with one of your kids?

I hope you have been seeing some progress this month in your own wellness journey. You have to stick at it for at least a little while before you see progress, but that is really the point. Pick a wellness activity. Plan your activity and do it. Make it a habit.

Be well!

Later… I was able to upload some pictures from my adventure today. Another part of my wellness fun today was to write the blog at the ice shack! Apparently, my hotspot or Bluetooth were dissuading the fish from biting. But as they say, a bad day of fishing is better than a good day at the office!



I think this is why there were no mosquitoes.
Here’s the setup for blogging on the lake. A TV table, a snack, a woodstove, a Bluetooth keyboard, a Phablet, and a (non-Bluetooth) log to hold up the Phablet…

By Richard