10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...
At 5:50pm this afternoon, two of the cellphones at our house chimed. It was an email from Marilyn, our former Honorary Fitness Mentor (she has been doing a virtual walk the length of the hallway in her residence in Moosomin). Here’s what she said:
Hi, Everyone, I just wanted to let everybody know that I have “arrived” in Manitoba! I crossed the border at 4.30 p.m. this afternoon. Yahoo! So now for the next few weeks I’ll be trudging along the #1 highway on my way to Elkhorn….This is much more fun than kettlebells. Love, Mom
By my reckoning, that is almost 20km! Interesting sidebar: this weekend, she told me that she felt good enough after her “lap” that she went and did another half-lap on top of it! She is feeling significantly better and plans to do 1 1/2 laps each time out now.
Congratulations Marilyn – so proud of you!