10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...
Thank you for your interest in the 10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson’s Wellness Challenge. I really hope you experienced enough challenge to push yourself and and enough success to prove that you CAN improve your wellness if you want to!
Our objective with this challenge has always been two-fold: to motivate people to improve their wellness, and to raise awareness about Parkinson’s Disease. Each year, our final message is an invitation to please consider donating to the endowment fund below. The Royal University Hospital Foundation in Saskatoon, SK has been pleased to add our 10,000 Kettlebell Challenge as one of the designations on their donation page. I’m pleased to say that several thousand dollars has been raised so far – thank you for your support.
Here’s our sign-off for 2020:
1. Congratulations on your wellness accomplishments!
2. Thank you for participating.
3. Please consider supporting Parkinson’s research. We would love it if you would consider making a donation to the DR. ALI RAJPUT ENDOWMENT FOR PARKINSON’S DISEASE AND MOVEMENT DISORDERS RESEARCH.. Click here for details.