10,000 Kettlebells for Parkinson's Challenge Starts in...

Way to go everyone who took part in the fitness challenge!  I hope you had a good experience, and that it stretched your awareness of not just your own personal wellness, but also of Parkinson’s disease.

I’m going to wind down the pace of the blogs for a while, but should have some updates every few weeks or so. Thanks for reading along and I really hope you got something out of them.

For anyone who was collecting pledges, be sure to send your pledge sheet in to the hospital foundation. If you are making a direct donation, you can send it several different ways.

Click here for more details on how to donate.  Thanks, everyone!

One thought on “We Made It!”
  1. Great job Richard for keeping up the motivational posts! They were great to read and indeed much appreciated. My neighbour said the other day that I must be sore and tired after finishing on my last day and I told him that I actually felt like I could flip over the van! I really have felt an improvement in my base strength and like you said – its a great way to kill the month of February!

    Congratulations to all participants – I hope that you were able to see some improvements as well. If nothing else, some awareness was raised for both health/wellness and the Parkinson's cause.

    Now to build a track challenge for the summer!

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